Homesteading in grizzly country (defense tactics). Do you homestead in grizzly country, or are you considering it? Homesteading has its challenges, but homesteading alongside an apex predator brings unique concerns.
We’ve homesteaded in grizzly country for almost twenty years now. We’ve learned more than a few things about living amongst these magnificent–and dangerous–predators. It’s not for the feint of heart, but the risks are manageable with the right knowledge.
This is not a piece on how to avoid grizzly attacks when you’re out and about in the timber, rather we will share with you six vital tactics to help you secure your own homestead. We’ll begin with the four basic defensive warfare principles and how you can apply them to your homestead situation. Then we add a couple more tips for good measure.
We cover the hardware and procedures you need to stay as safe as possible in this unforgiving environment. Plus, we share a few anecdotes. You’ll learn from our mistakes so you won’t have to make them.
Watch our wonderful new video and learn what you need to know about homesteading in grizzly country–even if you’re just thinking about it.
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At time of publication, LocaCarnivore had no commercial interests in any products or brands mentioned in this video.
Always obtain firearms training from a qualified instructor.
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